Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Can You Install Tile On Side Of Bathtub?

Dare Course

What happens when a person has Alzheimer's?

Progressively longer perform everyday activities such as bathing, doing chores, etc.

What happens if a woman is affected?

Despite progress we have made on these issues, we find many men who not only have caring for a person more and more dependent, but they also have to deal with the care of the house.

What can we do?

This year, the Women's Department has offered this workshop, which will allow caregivers, mostly men, can acquire the skills necessary for the care of the house is easier, minimizing the multiple problems that arise in the family when the Alzheimer appears. A caregiver is a caregiver made effective, simple tasks do not let our mood worse.

WHERE? Our facilities

Wednesday, September 29 to December 15 (except Dec. 8)

10:30 to 13:00 h.

  • Housework Time management and money supply
  • kitchen with microwave
  • easy cleaning, washing, ironing and sewing
  • Personal Care

To register, you can contact en contacto con nosotros al 91.698.92.37 o por correo electrónico en afaparla@afaparla.org 


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